Monday 8 June 2015

Chocotherapy - Chocolate Massage!


 Rich and smooth, aromatic, comforting and indulgent...

This sensational treatment features a full body

chocolate massage using a blend of 100%

natural chocolate and holly oil,

which will not only leave you with

deeply moisturized, silky soft skin but also

with an almost euphoric sense of total relaxation.

ThThis new treatment from Paris is a chocoholic*s dream.

This irresistible massage uses

85% real dark chocolate direct from

Switzerland which contains no caffeine!


Chocolate is a mild anti-depressant,

relaxes the central nervous system,

revitalizes the skin and replaces lost nutrients,

leaves your skin soft & moisturized,

and simply makes you feel good.

“Chocoholic’s Aromatherapy”

Melt 1 bar of Lindt 85% real dark chocolate over very low heat.  Remove from heat and add enough holly oil to make a smooth paste (50/50 mix works best).  If you are unable to order holly oil use any refined clear oil so it has nothing in it to turn or be sticky on the body.

The chocolate will stay moist and will not dry and crack as you are massaging the whole body.

Heat the chocolate, hot stones if necessary, and a towel, all at the same time.

Spoon the chocolate into your hand, using approximately one tablespoon per each major body area.  Drizzle the chocolate onto the client and massage it in.

Avoid drizzling it on the face, just massage with what is left on your hands from the body

Shower Chocolate off the body or use damp towels to wipe clean.

Copy and paste to print instructions

Full Body

Light Nourishing Massage Technique



Keep oil blends and all products nearby massage table.

- Maintain an even and light pressure.

- Remember, you are only gliding over the skin, using enough pressure to move all layers of skin

but not manipulating any muscles.

Fold sheet to expose entire back.


Effleurage ~ Palms flat on either side of spine at shoulders, smooth to mid back, over to sides,

up sides and around shoulders, up trapezius to back of neck. 

Alternate Circles ~ Work alternating circles with fingertips held together.  Work up leg from ankle

on both sides.  Similar to kneading, using lighter pressure and cupping hands to use mostly fingertips.


Sweep Shoulder and Neck ~ Hands at base of neck.  Smooth one hand around shoulder blade

and back to base of neck. Alternate left and right shoulders.  Do one side at a time. 


Butterfly Stroke Start one hand at top of buttocks, fan fingers and push up about 4 inches.

Start other hand just underneath first hand and repeat stroke.  One hand chases the other hand

up the back to shoulder.


Butterfly Shoulders Use same butterfly stroke start at bottom of shoulder blade and work

over and under shoulder. 

Effleurage ~ Palms flat on either side of spine at shoulders, smooth to lower back, up sides

and around shoulders to back of neck. 

·         Cover back.


Back of Legs

·         Uncover one leg at a time


Effleurage Palms flat on calf, thumbs together, smooth to rear.  Return to calf, moving hands

to cover sides of leg. 

Alternate Palms ~ One hand at back of heel, brushing in an upward, sweeping movement to

rear and slide round to thigh.  As the first hand reaches the back of the knee, start the other

hand at heel and work to back of knee.


Alternate Thumbs ~ Cradle ankle with hands, allowing thumbs to lay above heel.  Brush

in an upward and outward movement alternating thumbs.   Work slowly up leg to rear.


Alternate Circles ~ Work alternating circles with fingertips held together.  Work up leg from

ankle on both sides.  Similar to kneading, using lighter pressure and cupping hands to use

mostly fingertips.


Butterfly Start one hand at ankle, fan fingers and push up about 4 inches.  Start other hand just

underneath first hand and repeat stroke.  One hand chases the other hand up to rear.



Effleurage Palms flat on calf, thumbs together, smooth to rear.  Return to calf, moving hands

to cover sides of leg. 

·         Cover leg.

·         Step to opposite side of table to do other leg.


Front of Legs

·         Turn Body Over

·         Uncover one leg at a time


Effleurage Palms flat on calf, thumbs together, smooth to top of thigh.  Return to calf,

moving hands to cover sides of leg. 


Smoothing Stroke ~ Right hand is head hand, left follows close behind, smooth to thigh

and drag down sides. 


Alternate Thumbs ~ Cradle ankle with hands, allowing thumbs to lay above heel.

Using thumbs, brush in an upward and outward movement alternating thumbs. Work thumbs

in circles around knee cap. Work slowly up leg to top of thigh.


Alternate Circles ~ Work alternating circles with fingertips held together.  Work from ankle

to top of leg.  Similar to kneading, using lighter pressure and cupping hands to use mostly fingertips.


Reverse Thigh ~ Smooth both hands up leg from ankle.  As hands pass over sides of knee,

turn body to face feet and draw both hands up either side of thigh. 


Thigh Lifts ~ Alternate hands, lift inside of thigh in 4 moves from knee to groin. 


Effleurage Palms flat on calf, thumbs together, smooth to top of thigh.  Return to calf,

moving hands to cover sides of leg. 

 ·         Cover leg.

·         Repeat for other leg.



·         Legs can be placed over a triangle bolster or pillow for better support of the lower back.

·         Use a chair for yourself if legs are over a bolster.

·         Uncover one foot at a time.

Friction Stroke on Sole ~ Use thena or large thumb muscle to make circles on sole. 


Friction Stroke on Instep ~ Use thena to push from base of toes to instep on top of foot.

Use gentle pressure over bones.  Move in an upward direction only.


Friction Stroke Sole & Heel Use thena and thumb to work circles on sole while the other

hand cups back of heel and strokes around the edges.


Relax the Heel ~ Hold foot with 4 fingers on each hand in hollows around ankle bones.

Rotate fingers into hollows moving clockwise.


Divide the Foot ~ Draw 4 fingers of each hand alternately from top of heel to base of toes

down center of sole.


Alternate Circles ~ Work alternating circles with fingertips held together.

Similar to kneading, using lighter pressure and cupping hands to use mostly fingertips.


Alternate Toe Webbing ~ Using thumb and index finger, gently draw down between bones

of foot saw finger tips on webbing between each toe.   Use both hands to alternate working across toes.


Stretch Toes ~ Use thumb and index and middle fingers held together to pull toes alternately.

Then work underneath toes with thumbs pushing toes forward alternately.


Alternating Thumbs ~ Hold foot with both hands, fingers on sole, thumbs on top.

Stroke from base of toes over instep and ankle with alternating thumb strokes.

·         Cover foot.

·         Uncover other foot.

·         Repeat with other foot.



·         Uncover and cover chest area with a small towel.

·         Fold back sheet to pubic bone.


Effleurage ~

Palms with fingertips facing head, make large circles up center from navel to rib cage,

around waist to sides and down and back to center above pubic bone. 


Alternate Circles ~ 

Work alternating circles with fingertips held together.

Similar to kneading, using lighter pressure and cupping hands to use mostly fingertips.

Effleurage ~

Palms with fingertips facing head, make large circles up center from navel to rib cage,

around waist to sides and down and back to center above pubic bone. 


·         Fold sheet up to cover abdomen and chest.  Leave small towel on chest area.



·         Uncover one arm at a time.

Effleurage ~

Palms flat on arm just above wrist, thumbs together, smooth to top of arm.  Return to wrist, moving hands to cover sides of arm.

Smoothing Stroke ~

Hold wrist with left hand and smooth from wrist to arm pit, over shoulder and down arm to wrist.


Alternate Circles ~ 

Work alternating circles with fingertips held together.

Similar to kneading, using lighter pressure and cupping hands to use mostly fingertips.


Alternating Thumbs ~

Hold arm with both hands, fingers underneath, thumbs on top.  Stroke from wrist to shoulder

alternating thumb strokes.


Effleurage ~

Palms flat on arm just above wrist, thumbs together, smooth to top of arm.  Return to wrist, moving hands to cover sides of arm.

·         Cover arm.

·         Uncover other arm and repeat.



·         Uncover one hand at a time.

Friction Stroke on Palm ~

Use thena or large thumb muscle to make circles on palm.



Friction Stroke on Back of Hand ~

Use thena to push from base of fingers to wrist on back of hand.

Relax Wrist ~

Holding hand with thumbs on top of wrist, massage with alternating thumb circles.

Divide the Hand ~

Draw 4 fingers of each hand alternately from wrist to base of fingers down center of palm.

Alternate Finger Webbing ~

Using thumb and index finger, gently draw down between bones of hand saw finger tips

on webbing between each finger.   Use both hands to alternate working across fingers.

Finger Twist and Pull ~  

Grasp each finger between your index and middle fingers and gently twist and pull from

base to ends.  Slide your web along web of hand to continue with next finger.

Or ~

Grasp finger between thumb and index finger and perform same technique.

Which technique to use depends on the client’s hands, elderly people with arthritis may

have swollen knuckles, using 2nd technique provides less pressure on joints.


·         Turn hand over.


Thumb Circles ~

Holding hand with thumbs on underside of wrist, massage with alternating thumb circles.


·         Repeat with other hand.

Shoulders and Neck


·         Stand behind head.

·         Fold sheet down to expose upper chest.

Effleurage ~

Push hands down center of chest, around to armpits, up and around shoulders and under

neck to hairline.


Neck Effleurage ~

Lightly sweep hands from collarbones to jaw bone alternately.


Shoulder Sweep ~

Sweep hands from center of pectorals, around shoulders  and up back of neck to base of skull.

Hold skull in your hands and stroke fingertips alternately up neck to base of skull.